Monday, February 2, 2009

Lu's Blessing

Ahh, look at the proud parents and the unhappy child.  Is this some indication of how her life will always be?  

That is a cute dad if I've ever seen one.

And a hot Momma.

In the back row, we have Bucka Gibson, Ryan and Amber Howard, Jana Noble,  Ben, Max, Ried, Chloe and Nicole Horton, Bucka Noble, Erika, Bree and Chet Judd, Courtney and Ryan Noble.  In the front we have Grandma Gibson, Anton Noble, Bryn, Kennedy Noble, Sophie Horton, Ellie Noble, Izzy Horton, Rachelle with Lu, Dayson Judd and Griffin Noble.

What a beautiful family! This is all the same people except Grandma Noble is in this one and Ryan Noble is taking it, so he's not.


Krystal said...

in that first picture Lu looks like mini max in a dress! hehehe your kids are cute!

Megan B ♥ said...

Congratulations on her big day! And you look great, BTW!

Megan B ♥ said...

Ok, so my word verification for the previous comment was feces? Seriously?

Rachel said...

You are one hot momma! You look awesome...I can't believe you just had a baby. A beautiful baby. Hmmm. Sigh. Love ya. Rach

Katie said...

Lu looks so sweet!! You look great! when are you heading this way for a GNO??

Jody said...

She is beautiful!